Lithiumbatterien / Batteriekonfektion
Die BKG hat sich im Laufe der Jahre zu einem Spezialvertriebsunternehmen für Lithiumbatterien als auch Batterie- und Akkupacks entwickelt.
- 3,6V Lithiumbatterien (Li-SOCl2), Rund- und Knopfzellen
- 3,0V Lithiumbatterien (Li-MnO2), Rund- und Knopfzellen
- 9,0V Lithiumbatterien (9V-Block)
- 3,7V Lithium-Polymer-Batterien (Li-Po), wiederaufladbar (Akku)
- 3,2V Lithium-Eisenphosphat-Batterien (LiFePO4), wiederaufladbar (Akku)
- 3,6V & 3,7V Lithium-Ionen-Batterien (Li-Ion), Rund- und Knopfzellen, wiederaufladbar (Akku)
- 1,2V Nickel-Metallhydrid-Batterien (Ni-MH), Rund- und Knopfzellen, wiederaufladbar (Akku)
Bei Bedarf inkl. Konfektion:
- Anschlussfahnen und Pins, axiale und radiale Drähte
- Konfektionierung mit Anschlusslitzen und Steckverbindern
- Batterie- und Akkupacks
- Kombination mit Kondensatoren und anderen elektr. Bauteilen

Durch unsere direkte Kooperation mit diversen Batterieherstellern und damit verbundenen Großmengenbezügen sind wir in der Lage, unsere Kunden zu äußerst wettbewerbsfähigen Preisen zu beliefern.
Des Weiteren bieten wir Ihnen die Konfektionierung von Lithium-Polymer-Akkupacks gem. Ihren Vorgaben an. Dabei sind den Möglichkeiten kaum Grenzen gesetzt, lediglich Ihr vorhandener Bauraum begrenzt die Auswahl.
Gern erstellen wir Ihnen passend zu Ihrem Bedarf und Ihren Anforderungen ein Angebot, inkl. Schutzschaltung, BMS, Kabelkonfektion und notwendiger UN38.3 Zertifizierung sowie auf Wunsch weiterer UL Zertifikate.
Sie haben Fragen zu unseren Produkten?
Kontaktieren Sie mich noch heute!

Gunnar Frese
Telefon:039998 311-122
Ramway 3,6V
Key Features
- Long storage lifetime
- Wide range of operating temperature
- Offer stable operating voltage and loading voltage platform
- Can offer small, medium and high pulse discharge current. Available series like bobbin type, spiral type and battery packs
- Adopt stainless steel material, laser and hermetic glass-to-metal welding sealed which keep our battery have a unique performance in wet environment
- Long using lifetime, it can be used above 5 years. In some special application, it can be used for more than 10 years (Depends on different working request)
- High energy density, could achieve more than 650Wh/Kg. It is about 3-10 times of other series lithium battery
- Mostly UL, SGS, CE, and UN38.3 recognized
Bauform | Bezeichnung | Abmessungen (mm) max. | Spannung (V) | Kapazität (mAh) | Max. Entladestrom (mA) konstant | Max. Entladestrom (mA) Puls | Gewicht (g) | |
1/2AA | ER14250 | Download | 14.5 × 25.4 | 3,6V | 1200 | 25 | 11 | |
A | ER18505 | Download | 18.5 × 50.5 | 3,6V | 4000 | 100 | 32 | |
DD | ER341245 | Download | 34.0 × 124.5 | 3,6V | 35000 | 400 | 220 | |
AA | ER14505 | Download | 14.5 × 50.5 | 3,6V | 2700 | 50 | 19 | |
2/3AA | ER14335 | Download | 14.5 × 33.5 | 3,6V | 1650 | 40 | 13 | |
D | ER34615 | Download | 34.0 × 61.5 | 3,6V | 19000 | 230 | 107 | |
2/3A | ER17335 | Download | 17.0 × 33.5 | 3,6V | 2200 | 100 | 19 | |
C | ER26500 | Download | 26.2 × 50.0 | 3,6V | 9000 | 150 | 55 | |
CC | ER261020 | Download | 26.2 × 102.00 | 3,6V | 17000 | 200 | 100 |
Bauform | Bezeichnung | Abmessungen (mm) max. | Spannung (V) | Kapazität (mAh) | Max. Entladestrom (mA) konstant | Max. Entladestrom (mA) Puls | Gewicht (g) | |
D | ER34615M | Download | 34.0 × 61.5 | 3,6V | 14500 | 2000 | 110 | |
2/3A | ER17335M | Download | 17..0 × 33.5 | 3,6V | 1900 | 400 | 19 | |
C | ER26500M | Download | 26.2 × 50.0 | 3,6V | 6500 | 1500 | 55 | |
A | ER18505M | Download | 18.5 × 50.5 | 3,6V | 3500 | 1000 | 32 | |
1/2AA | ER14250M | Download | 14.5 × 25.5 | 3,6V | 800 | 100 | 11 | |
AA | ER14505M | Download | 14.5 × 50.5 | 3,6V | 2200 | 400 | 19 | |
2/3AA | ER14335M | Auf Anfrage | 14.5 × 33.5 | 3,6V | 1300 | 200 | 15 |
Ramway 3,0V
Key Features
- Long storage lifetime
- Wide range of operating temperature
- Offer stable operating voltage and loading voltage platform
- Can offer small, medium and high pulse discharge current. Available series like bobbin type, spiral type and battery packs
- Adopt stainless steel material, laser and hermetic glass-to-metal welding sealed which keep our battery have a unique performance in wet environment
- Long using lifetime, it can be used above 5 years. In some special application, it can be used for more than 10 years (Depends on different working request)
- High energy density, could achieve more than 650Wh/Kg. It is about 3-10 times of other series lithium battery
- Mostly UL, SGS, CE, and UN38.3 recognized

Bauform | Bezeichnung | Abmessungen (mm) max. | Spannung (V) | Kapazität (mAh) | Max. Entladestrom (mA) konstant | Max. Entladestrom (mA) Puls | Gewicht (g) | |
C | CR26500 | Download | 26.2X50.5 | 3,0V | 5400 | 2000 | 62 | |
A | CR17505 | Download | 17.0X50.5 | 3,0V | 2300 | 1500 | 30 | |
– | CR2 | Download | 15.5X27.0 | 3,0V | 850 | 1000 | 13 | |
2/3A | CR123A | Download | 17.0X34.5 | 3,0V | 1500 | 1500 | 20 | |
– | CR-P2 | Download | 36X19.5X35 | 6,0V | 1500 | 1500 | 42 | |
– | CR17450 | Download | 17.0X45.5 | 3,0V | 2000 | 1500 | 26 | |
1/2AA | CR14250 | Download | 14.5X25.4 | 3,0V | 600 | 500 | 11 | |
AA | CR14505 | Download | 14.5X50.5 | 3,0V | 1400 | 1500 | 21 | |
D | CR34615 | Download | 34.0X61.5 | 3,0V | 12000 | 2000 | 125 | |
2/3AA | CR14335 | Auf Anfrage | 14.5X33.5 | 3,0V | 800 | 1000 | 14 | |
A | CR18505 | Download | 18.5X50.5 | 3,0V | 2500 | 2000 | 35 |
Key Features
- High operating voltage, stable during most of the application lifetime
- Applicable in a wide range of temperatures (-55°C to +85°C)
- Superior shelf life and reliability: Over 10 years of shelf life if stored at room temperature
- Energy type consists of a bobbin structure that is best suited for a low discharge current. It may require activation before the medium currents can be delivered
- Self-discharge rate of less than 1% per year
Bauform | Bezeichnung | Abmessungen (mm) max. | Spannung (V) | Kapazität (mAh) | Max. Entladestrom (mA) konstant | Max. Entladestrom (mA) Puls | Gewicht (g) | |
– | ER10250 | Download | 10.4 × 25.0 | 3,6V | 400 | 5 | 10 | 4.0 |
AAA | ER10450 | Download | 10.6 × 45.0 | 3,6V | 800 | 25 | 60 | 9.0 |
– | ER13150 | Download | 13.5 × 15.7 | 3,6V | 450 | 10 | 20 | 7.0 |
– | ER13170 | Download | 13.5 × 17.8 | 3,6V | 500 | 10 | 20 | 7.0 |
1/2AA | ER14250 | Download | 14.5 × 25.8 | 3,6V | 1200 | 40 | 80 | 10.0 |
2/3AA | ER14335 | Download | 14.5 x33.0 | 3,6V | 1650 | 50 | 100 | 13.0 |
AA | ER14505 | Download | 14.5 × 49.5 | 3,6V | 2400 | 100 | 200 | 20.0 |
2/3A | ER17335 | Download | 17.0 × 33.5 | 3,6V | 2100 | 100 | 200 | 20.0 |
A | ER17505 | Download | 17.0 × 50.5 | 3,6V | 3400 | 120 | 200 | 24.0 |
– | ER18505 | Download | 18.7 × 50.5 | 3,6V | 4000 | 120 | 200 | 30.0 |
C | ER20505 | Download | 20.0 × 50.5 | 3,6V | 4400 | 120 | 250 | 35.0 |
C | ER26500 | Download | 26.2 × 50.5 | 3,6V | 9000 | 200 | 400 | 53.0 |
D | ER34615 | Download | 34.0 × 61.5 | 3,6V | 19000 | 230 | 500 | 115.0 |
DD | ER341245 | Download | 32.9 × 124.5 | 3,6V | 35000 | 420 | 500 | 200.0 |
Bauform | Bezeichnung | Abmessungen (mm) max. | Spannung (V) | Kapazität (mAh) | Max. Entladestrom (mA) konstant | Max. Entladestrom (mA) Puls | Gewicht (g) | |
1/2AA | ER14250M | Download | 14.5x25.2 | 3,6V | 750 | 120 | 250 | 11.0 |
2/3AA | ER14335M | Download | 14.5x33.5 | 3,6V | 1200 | 300 | 500 | 13.0 |
AA | ER14505M | Download | 14.5x50.5 | 3,6V | 1800 | 500 | 1000 | 22.0 |
2/3A | ER17335M | Download | 17.0x33.5 | 3,6V | 1700 | 500 | 1000 | 21.0 |
– | ER18505M | Download | 18.8x50.5 | 3,6V | 3200 | 1000 | 2000 | 30.0 |
– | ER20505M | Download | 20.2x50.5 | 3,6V | 3600 | 1000 | 2000 | 35.0 |
C | ER26500M | Download | 26.2x50.5 | 3,6V | 6500 | 1000 | 2000 | 57.0 |
D | ER34615M | Download | 34.2x61.5 | 3,6V | 14000 | 2000 | 3000 | 118.0 |
Key Features
- High voltage of 3.0V per cell
- Spiral electrode structure ensures high-rate current discharge
- Low self-discharge rate and long shelf life
- Applicable in a wide range of temperatures
- Operational temperature ranges of:
- Hermetically glass to metal sealed type: -40℃ to +85℃
- Stable discharge characteristics
- Superior leakage resistance
Bauform | Bezeichnung | Abmessungen (mm) max. | Spannung (V) | Kapazität (mAh) | Max. Entladestrom (mA) konstant | Max. Entladestrom (mA) Puls | Gewicht (g) | |
– | CR10450BL | Download | 10.0 × 45.0 | 3,0V | 850 | 7 | 70 | 10.0 |
1/2AA | CR14250BL | Download | 14.5 × 25.0 | 3,0V | 900 | 7 | 70 | 11.0 |
2/3AA | CR14335BL | Download | 14.5 × 33.5 | 3,0V | 1100 | 8 | 80 | 16.0 |
AA | CR14505BL | Download | 14.5 × 50.5 | 3,0V | 1800 | 10 | 100 | 22.0 |
2/3A | CR17335BL | Download | 17.0 × 34.5 | 3,0V | 1800 | 10 | 100 | 22.0 |
– | CR17450BL | Download | 17.0 × 45.0 | 3,0V | 2400 | 15 | 150 | 28.0 |
Bauform | Bezeichnung | Abmessungen (mm) max. | Spannung (V) | Kapazität (mAh) | Max. Entladestrom (mA) konstant | Max. Entladestrom (mA) Puls | Gewicht (g) | |
1/2AA | CR14250SL | Download | 14.5 × 25.0 | 3,0V | 600 | 500 | 1000 | 10.0 |
2/3AA | CR14335SL | Download | 14.5 × 33.5 | 3,0V | 900 | 800 | 1500 | 14.0 |
AA | CR14505SL | Download | 14.5 × 50.5 | 3,0V | 1500 | 1000 | 2000 | 21.0 |
– | CR2SL | Download | 15.5 × 27.0 | 3,0V | 800 | 800 | 1500 | 13.0 |
– | CR123ASL | Download | 17.0 × 34.5 | 3,0V | 1500 | 1500 | 3000 | 20.0 |
2/3A | CR17335SL | Download | 17.0 × 34.5 | 3,0V | 1500 | 1500 | 3000 | 20.0 |
– | CR17450SL | Download | 17.0 × 45.0 | 3,0V | 2200 | 1500 | 3000 | 26.0 |
A | CR17505SL | Download | 17.0 × 50.5 | 3,0V | 2500 | 1500 | 3000 | 30.0 |
– | CR18505SL | Download | 18.5 × 50.5 | 3,0V | 2800 | 1500 | 3000 | 35.0 |
C | CR26500SL | Download | 26.2 × 50.0 | 3,0V | 5000 | 2000 | 3000 | 62.0 |
D | CR34615SL | Download | 34.2 × 61.5 | 3,0V | 11000 | 2000 | 3000 | 125.0 |
– | 2CR5SL | Download | 34.0 × 17.0 × 45.0 | 6,0V | 1500 | 1500 | 3000 | 43.0 |
– | CR-P2SL | Download | 35.8 × 19.5 × 34.8 | 6,0V | 1500 | 1500 | 3000 | 42.0 |
1/3N | CR1/3N | Download | 11.7 × 10.9 | 3,0V | 170 | 60 | 140 | 3.0 |
– | 2CR1/3N | Download | 11.9 × 22.0 | 6,0V | 170 | 60 | 800 | 7.0 |
EEMB Li-Polymer
Key Features
- High energy density and operating voltage of 3.7V
- High discharge rate for more powerful devices
- Lithium-ion polymer batteries are of outstanding discharge rate, sufficient to power a hard disk, video cameras and other such devices
- Stable discharge under various environmental conditions, and temperatures, from –20℃ to +60℃
- Superior storage characteristics
- The self-discharge rate of Lithium-ion polymer battery is about 3% per month when stored at room temperature
- Excellent cost performance and long cycle life
- Superior recharging properties ensure a service life of up to 800 cycles under normal usage conditions
- Environmentally friendly
- Portable DVD players, Bluetooth devices, wireless devices, wearable electronic devices, PDA and digital cameras, security display stands for phones and tablets, camera anti-theft display stands, electric bikes, GPS, monitoring units, tracking units, notebook computers, e-books, telematics, real-timelocation tracking systems, tracking devices, sleep management equipment, blood oxygen tracking equipment, pulse monitors, Wi-Fi enabled smart home systems
Bezeichnung | Nennspannung (V) | Typ. Nominal (mAh) | Min. Nominal (mAh) | Dicke / Abmessung (mm) | Breite / Abmessung (mm) | Höhe / Abmessung (mm) | Gewicht (g) ca. | |
*LP451124 | Download | 3.7 | 65 | 55 | 4.8 | 11.5 | 26 | 1.3 |
LP531124 | Download | 3.7 | 95 | 90 | 5.6 | 11.5 | 26 | 1.9 |
LP551124 | Download | 3.7 | 85 | 80 | 5.5 | 11.0 | 24 | 2.0 |
LP201230 | Download | 3.7 | 70 | 60 | 3.5 | 12.5 | 31 | 0.8 |
LP301230 | Download | 3.7 | 70 | 60 | 3.5 | 12.5 | 31 | 1.4 |
#LP401230 | Download | 3.7 | 100 | 90 | 4.3 | 12.5 | 31 | 2.0 |
#LP501230 | Download | 3.7 | 140 | 130 | 5.3 | 12.5 | 31 | 2.8 |
*LP401429 | Download | 3.7 | 130 | 120 | 4.3 | 14.5 | 30 | 2.6 |
*LP501429 | Download | 3.7 | 155 | 130 | 5.3 | 14.5 | 30 | 3.1 |
LP501622-100mAh | Download | 3.7 | 100 | 95 | 5.3 | 16.5 | 23 | 2.0 |
LP501622-120mAh | Download | 3.7 | 120 | 100 | 5.3 | 16.5 | 23 | 2.4 |
*LP601622 | Download | 3.7 | 160 | 150 | 6.3 | 16.5 | 23 | 3.2 |
LP801622 | Download | 3.7 | 200 | 180 | 8.3 | 16.5 | 23 | 4.0 |
#LP301730 | Download | 3.7 | 100 | 90 | 3.3 | 17.5 | 31 | 2.0 |
#LP401730 | Download | 3.7 | 150 | 140 | 4.3 | 17.5 | 31 | 2.8 |
#LP601730 | Download | 3.7 | 260 | 240 | 6.3 | 17.5 | 31 | 5.2 |
LP351745 | Download | 3.7 | 200 | 180 | 3.8 | 17.5 | 46 | 4.0 |
#LP401745 | Download | 3.7 | 250 | 230 | 4.3 | 17.5 | 46 | 5.0 |
LP501745 | Download | 3.7 | 350 | 310 | 5.3 | 17.5 | 46 | 7.0 |
LP302024 | Download | 3.7 | 85 | 75 | 3.5 | 20.5 | 25 | 1.7 |
LP382024 | Download | 3.7 | 120 | 110 | 4.1 | 20.5 | 25 | 2.4 |
LP402024 | Download | 3.7 | 165 | 150 | 4.3 | 20.5 | 25 | 3.3 |
LP452024 | Download | 3.7 | 180 | 170 | 4.8 | 20.5 | 25 | 6.4 |
LP602024 | Download | 3.7 | 210 | 190 | 6.0±0.3 | 20.0±0.5 | 25±1.0 | 4.5 |
LP242030 | Download | 3.7 | 100 | 90 | 3.5 | 20.5 | 31 | 2.0 |
LP302030 | Download | 3.7 | 130 | 110 | 3.5 | 20.5 | 31 | 2.6 |
LP352030 | Download | 3.7 | 160 | 140 | 3.8 | 20.5 | 31 | 3.2 |
LP382030 | Download | 3.7 | 190 | 180 | 4.1 | 20.5 | 31 | 3.8 |
LP402030 | Download | 3.7 | 190 | 180 | 4.3 | 20.5 | 31 | 3.8 |
#LP452030 | Download | 3.7 | 230 | 210 | 4.8 | 20.5 | 31 | 4.6 |
#LP502030 | Download | 3.7 | 250 | 230 | 5.3 | 20.5 | 31 | 5.0 |
LP552030 | Download | 3.7 | 300 | 250 | 5.8 | 20.5 | 31 | 6.0 |
LP562030 | Download | 3.7 | 280 | 260 | 5.9 | 20.5 | 31 | 5.6 |
LP582030 | Download | 3.7 | 290 | 270 | 6.1 | 20.5 | 31 | 5.8 |
LP602030 | Download | 3.7 | 300 | 280 | 6.3 | 20.5 | 31 | 6.0 |
LP652030 | Download | 3.7 | 320 | 300 | 6.7 | 20.5 | 31 | 6.4 |
LP702030 | Download | 3.7 | 350 | 320 | 7.3 | 20.5 | 31 | 7.0 |
*LP402035 | Download | 3.7 | 230 | 210 | 4.3 | 20.5 | 36 | 4.6 |
#LP222036 | Download | 3.7 | 95 | 90 | 2.5 | 20.5 | 37 | 1.9 |
LP352036 | Download | 3.7 | 180 | 170 | 3.5 | 20.0 | 36 | 3.6 |
LP382036 | Download | 3.7 | 180 | 170 | 3.8 | 20.0 | 36 | 3.6 |
#LP402036 | Download | 3.7 | 220 | 200 | 4.3 | 20.5 | 37 | 4.4 |
LP452036 | Download | 3.7 | 250 | 230 | 4.8 | 20.5 | 37 | 5.0 |
#LP502036 | Download | 3.7 | 310 | 280 | 5.3 | 20.5 | 37 | 6.2 |
LP532036 | Download | 3.7 | 340 | 310 | 5.6 | 20.5 | 37 | 6.8 |
#LP552036 | Download | 3.7 | 360 | 330 | 5.8 | 20.5 | 37 | 7.2 |
LP632036 | Download | 3.7 | 450 | 420 | 6.6 | 20.5 | 37 | 9.0 |
LP802036 | Download | 3.7 | 500 | 470 | 8.3 | 20.5 | 37 | 10.0 |
LP102040 | Download | 3.7 | 800 | 750 | 10.3 | 20.5 | 41 | 16.0 |
LP402040 | Download | 3.7 | 270 | 250 | 4.3 | 20.5 | 41 | 5.4 |
LP502040 | Download | 3.7 | 340 | 300 | 5.3 | 20.5 | 41 | 6.8 |
LP602040 | Download | 3.7 | 450 | 420 | 6.3 | 20.5 | 41 | 9.0 |
#LP852040 | Download | 3.7 | 620 | 580 | 8.8 | 20.5 | 41 | 12.4 |
*LP202235 | Download | 3.7 | 110 | 90 | 2.3 | 22.5 | 36 | 2.2 |
*LP452235 | Download | 3.7 | 280 | 250 | 4.8 | 22.5 | 36 | 5.6 |
LP402245 | Download | 3.7 | 330 | 300 | 4.3 | 22.5 | 46 | 7.0 |
LP582245 | Download | 3.7 | 560 | 510 | 6.1 | 22.5 | 46 | 11.2 |
#LP822245 | Download | 3.7 | 750 | 700 | 8.5 | 22.5 | 46 | 15.0 |
LP952245 | Download | 3.7 | 900 | 850 | 9.8 | 22.5 | 46 | 18.0 |
*LP602248 | Download | 3.7 | 600 | 550 | 6.3 | 22.5 | 49 | 12.0 |
*LP642431 | Download | 3.7 | 420 | 380 | 6.7 | 24.5 | 32 | 8.4 |
#LP652438 | Download | 3.7 | 540 | 500 | 6.8 | 24.5 | 39 | 10.8 |
#LP752438 | Download | 3.7 | 600 | 550 | 7.8 | 24.5 | 39 | 12.0 |
*LP552530 | Download | 3.7 | 380 | 360 | 5.8 | 25.5 | 31 | 8.0 |
*LP402535 | Download | 3.7 | 320 | 300 | 4.3 | 25.5 | 36 | 6.0 |
*LP542730 | Download | 3.7 | 380 | 350 | 5.7 | 27.5 | 31 | 7.6 |
*LP602730 | Download | 3.7 | 420 | 390 | 6.3 | 27.5 | 31 | 8.4 |
*LP652730 | Download | 3.7 | 450 | 420 | 6.8 | 27.5 | 31 | 9.0 |
LP372945 | Download | 3.7 | 420 | 390 | 4.0 | 29.5 | 46 | 8.4 |
LP422945 | Download | 3.7 | 500 | 450 | 4.5 | 29.5 | 46 | 10.0 |
LP502945 | Download | 3.7 | 650 | 600 | 5.3 | 29.5 | 46 | 13.0 |
LP602945 | Download | 3.7 | 800 | 750 | 6.3 | 29.5 | 46 | 16.0 |
LP102945 | Download | 3.7 | 1300 | 1200 | 10.3 | 29.5 | 46 | 26.0 |
LP112945 | Download | 3.7 | 1400 | 1300 | 11.3 | 29.5 | 46 | 28.0 |
LP403026 | Download | 3.7 | 260 | 220 | 4.3 | 30.5 | 27 | 5.2 |
LP453026 | Download | 3.7 | 280 | 250 | 4.8 | 30.5 | 27 | 5.6 |
#LP603026 | Download | 3.7 | 420 | 400 | 6.3 | 30.5 | 27 | 8.4 |
LP803026 | Download | 3.7 | 520 | 470 | 8.3 | 30.5 | 27 | 10.4 |
LP503030 | Download | 3.7 | 350 | 300 | 5.3 | 30.5 | 32 | 7.0 |
LP603030 | Download | 3.7 | 480 | 460 | 6.3 | 31.5 | 31 | 9.6 |
*LP403040 | Download | 3.7 | 460 | 420 | 4.3 | 30.5 | 41 | 9.2 |
LP503042 | Download | 3.7 | 600 | 550 | 5.3 | 30.5 | 43 | 12.0 |
#LP653042 | Download | 3.7 | 820 | 770 | 6.8 | 30.5 | 43 | 16.4 |
LP753042 | Download | 3.7 | 1000 | 900 | 7.8 | 30.5 | 43 | 20.0 |
LP833042 | Download | 3.7 | 1000 | 950 | 8.6 | 30.5 | 43 | 20.0 |
LP403048 | Download | 3.7 | 570 | 520 | 4.3 | 30.5 | 49 | 11.4 |
LP423048 | Download | 3.7 | 430 | 390 | 4.5 | 30.5 | 49 | 8.6 |
#LP453048 | Download | 3.7 | 600 | 550 | 4.8 | 30.5 | 49 | 12.0 |
LP483048 | Download | 3.7 | 670 | 620 | 4.8 | 30.0 | 48 | 13.5 |
LP503048 | Download | 3.7 | 750 | 700 | 5.3 | 30.5 | 49 | 15.0 |
LP523048 | Download | 3.7 | 750 | 700 | 5.5 | 30.5 | 49 | 15.0 |
#LP603048 | Download | 3.7 | 900 | 800 | 6.3 | 30.5 | 49 | 18.0 |
LP623048 | Download | 3.7 | 920 | 870 | 6.2 | 30.0 | 48 | 18.5 |
#LP703048 | Download | 3.7 | 800 | 750 | 7.3 | 30.5 | 49 | 16.0 |
LP753048 | Download | 3.7 | 1100 | 1000 | 7.8 | 30.5 | 49 | 22.0 |
#LP803048 | Download | 3.7 | 1150 | 1050 | 8.0 | 30.0 | 48 | 23.0 |
#LP883048 | Download | 3.7 | 1200 | 1100 | 8.3 | 30.5 | 49 | 24.0 |
LP503090 | Download | 3.7 | 1300 | 1200 | 5.3 | 30.0 | 91 | 26.0 |
LP523090 | Download | 3.7 | 1450 | 1350 | 5.0 | 30.0 | 90 | 28.0 |
#LP803090 | Download | 3.7 | 2300 | 2200 | 8.3 | 30.5 | 91 | 46.0 |
#LP883090 | Download | 3.7 | 2700 | 2600 | 9.1 | 30.5 | 91 | 54.0 |
*LP553250 | Download | 3.7 | 950 | 900 | 5.8 | 32.5 | 51 | 19.0 |
*LP853250 | Download | 3.7 | 1400 | 1300 | 8.8 | 32.5 | 51 | 28.0 |
*LP453436 | Download | 3.7 | 550 | 500 | 4.8 | 34.5 | 37 | 11.0 |
*LP553436 | Download | 3.7 | 630 | 580 | 5.8 | 34.5 | 37 | 12.6 |
*LP603440 | Download | 3.7 | 800 | 750 | 6.3 | 34.5 | 41 | 16.0 |
*LP683440 | Download | 3.7 | 900 | 850 | 7.1 | 34.5 | 41 | 18.0 |
*LP513446 | Download | 3.7 | 900 | 850 | 5.4 | 34.5 | 47 | 18.0 |
#LP403448 | Download | 3.7 | 620 | 580 | 4.3 | 34.5 | 49 | 12.4 |
LP423448 | Download | 3.7 | 670 | 620 | 4.5 | 34.5 | 49 | 13.4 |
#LP503448-880mAh | Download | 3.7 | 880 | 830 | 5.3 | 34.5 | 49 | 17.6 |
#LP503448TB-850mAh | Download | 3.7 | 880 | 830 | 5.3 | 34.5 | 49 | 17.6 |
LP523448 | Download | 3.7 | 900 | 850 | 5.5 | 34.5 | 49 | 18.0 |
#LP603448 | Download | 3.7 | 1000 | 950 | 6.3 | 34.5 | 49 | 20.0 |
LP663448 | Download | 3.7 | 1050 | 950 | 6.9 | 34.5 | 49 | 21.0 |
LP703448 | Download | 3.7 | 1200 | 1100 | 7.3 | 34.5 | 49 | 24.0 |
LP753448 | Download | 3.7 | 1350 | 1250 | 7.8 | 34.5 | 49 | 27.0 |
#LP803448 | Download | 3.7 | 1350 | 1300 | 8.3 | 34.5 | 49 | 27.0 |
LP953448 | Download | 3.7 | 1500 | 1400 | 9.5 | 34.0 | 48 | 30.0 |
LP103448 | Download | 3.7 | 1800 | 1700 | 10.3 | 34.5 | 49 | 36.0 |
*LP603449 | Download | 3.7 | 1100 | 1000 | 6.3 | 34.5 | 50 | 22.0 |
#LP293450 | Download | 3.7 | 450 | 400 | 3.5 | 34.5 | 51 | 9.0 |
#LP323450 | Download | 3.7 | 550 | 500 | 3.5 | 34.5 | 51 | 11.0 |
#LP383450 | Download | 3.7 | 720 | 670 | 4.1 | 34.5 | 51 | 14.4 |
LP423450 | Download | 3.7 | 660 | 610 | 4.2 | 34.0 | 50 | 13.5 |
#LP483450 | Download | 3.7 | 800 | 750 | 5.1 | 34.5 | 51 | 16.0 |
#LP503450 | Download | 3.7 | 1000 | 900 | 5.3 | 34.5 | 51 | 20.0 |
#LP533450 | Download | 3.7 | 950 | 900 | 5.6 | 34.5 | 51 | 19.0 |
#LP603450-1000mAh | Download | 3.7 | 1000 | 950 | 6.3 | 34.5 | 51 | 20.0 |
#LP603450-900mAh | Download | 3.7 | 900 | 850 | 6.3 | 34.5 | 51 | 18.0 |
#LP703450 | Download | 3.7 | 1250 | 1150 | 7.3 | 34.5 | 51 | 25.0 |
#LP803450 | Download | 3.7 | 1400 | 1300 | 8.3 | 34.5 | 51 | 28.0 |
LP903450 | Download | 3.7 | 1500 | 1450 | 9.3 | 34.5 | 51 | 31.0 |
#LP953450 | Download | 3.7 | 1800 | 1700 | 9.8 | 34.5 | 51 | 36.0 |
#LP963450 | Download | 3.7 | 1800 | 1700 | 9.6 | 34.0 | 50 | 36.0 |
LP103450 | Download | 3.7 | 1850 | 1750 | 10.3 | 34.5 | 51 | 37.0 |
#LP243454-350mAh | Download | 3.7 | 350 | 330 | 3.5 | 34.5 | 55 | 7.0 |
#LP243454-330mAh | Download | 3.7 | 330 | 290 | 3.5 | 34.5 | 55 | 6.6 |
LP343454 | Download | 3.7 | 580 | 550 | 3.7 | 34.5 | 55 | 11.6 |
LP363454 | Download | 3.7 | 640 | 600 | 3.6 | 34.0 | 54 | 13.0 |
#LP383454 | Download | 3.7 | 750 | 700 | 4.1 | 34.5 | 55 | 15.0 |
LP423454 | Download | 3.7 | 770 | 720 | 4.2 | 34.0 | 54 | 15.5 |
LP523454 | Download | 3.7 | 1000 | 950 | 5.5 | 34.5 | 55 | 20.0 |
LP553454-1000mAh | Download | 3.7 | 1050 | 1000 | 5.5±0.3 | 34.5 | 54±1.0 | 19.5±2.0 |
LP553454-1050mAh | Download | 3.7 | 1050 | 950 | 5.8 | 34.5 | 56 | 21.0 |
LP623454 | Download | 3.7 | 1200 | 1100 | 6.2±0.3 | 34.5 | 54±1.0 | 22.5±2.0 |
#LP103454 | Download | 3.7 | 2000 | 1900 | 10.3 | 34.5 | 55 | 40.0 |
*LP603455 | Download | 3.7 | 1200 | 1100 | 6.0 | 34.0 | 55 | 24.0 |
*LP803466 | Download | 3.7 | 1900 | 1800 | 8.3 | 34.5 | 67 | 38.0 |
*LP703480 | Download | 3.7 | 2100 | 2000 | 7.3 | 34.5 | 81 | 42.0 |
LP293560 | Download | 3.7 | 550 | 500 | 3.5 | 35.5 | 61 | 11.0 |
LP383560 | Download | 3.7 | 850 | 800 | 4.1 | 35.5 | 61 | 17.0 |
LP523560 | Download | 3.7 | 1150 | 1050 | 5.5 | 35.5 | 61 | 23.0 |
#LP603560 | Download | 3.7 | 1300 | 1200 | 6.3 | 35.5 | 61 | 26.0 |
LP853560 | Download | 3.7 | 1800 | 1700 | 8.8 | 35.5 | 61 | 36.0 |
LP243759 | Download | 3.7 | 420 | 390 | 6.0 | 37.5 | 60 | 8.4 |
LP483759 | Download | 3.7 | 1100 | 1000 | 5.1 | 37.5 | 60 | 22.0 |
#LP503759 | Download | 3.7 | 1200 | 1100 | 5.3 | 37.5 | 60 | 24.0 |
LP543759 | Download | 3.7 | 1300 | 1200 | 5.7 | 37.5 | 60 | 26.0 |
#LP583759 | Download | 3.7 | 1350 | 1250 | 6.1 | 37.5 | 60 | 27.0 |
LP653759 | Download | 3.7 | 1550 | 1450 | 6.8 | 37.5 | 60 | 31.0 |
LP903759 | Download | 3.7 | 2200 | 2100 | 9.3 | 37.5 | 60 | 44.0 |
*LP503870 | Download | 3.7 | 1500 | 1400 | 5.3 | 38.5 | 71 | 30.0 |
*LP804050 | Download | 3.7 | 1700 | 1600 | 8.3 | 40.5 | 51 | 34.0 |
LP574152 | Download | 3.7 | 1300 | 1200 | 6.0 | 41.5 | 53 | 26.0 |
LP604152 | Download | 3.7 | 1350 | 1250 | 6.3 | 41.5 | 53 | 27.0 |
LP704152 | Download | 3.7 | 1500 | 1450 | 7.3 | 41.5 | 53 | 30.0 |
LP354261 | Download | 3.7 | 800 | 750 | 3.8 | 42.5 | 62 | 16.0 |
#LP404261 | Download | 3.7 | 1000 | 950 | 4.3 | 42.5 | 62 | 20.0 |
LP524261 | Download | 3.7 | 1500 | 1400 | 5.5 | 42.5 | 62 | 30.0 |
LP564261 | Download | 3.7 | 1500 | 1400 | 5.9 | 42.5 | 62 | 30.0 |
LP604261 | Download | 3.7 | 1500 | 1400 | 6.3 | 42.5 | 62 | 30.0 |
#LP754261 | Download | 3.7 | 2000 | 1900 | 7.8 | 42.5 | 62 | 40.0 |
LP804261 | Download | 3.7 | 2100 | 2000 | 8.3 | 42.5 | 62 | 42.0 |
*LP504368 | Download | 3.7 | 1600 | 1500 | 5.3 | 43.5 | 69 | 32.0 |
*LP804368 | Download | 3.7 | 2500 | 2400 | 8.3 | 43.5 | 69 | 50.0 |
LP274374 | Download | 3.7 | 7500 | 700 | 23.5 | 43.5 | 75 | 15.0 |
LP354374 | Download | 3.7 | 1100 | 1000 | 3.8 | 43.5 | 75 | 22.0 |
LP404374 | Download | 3.7 | 1350 | 1250 | 4.3 | 43.5 | 75 | 27.0 |
LP504374 | Download | 3.7 | 1500 | 1400 | 5.3 | 43.5 | 75 | 30.0 |
LP604374 | Download | 3.7 | 2200 | 2100 | 6.3 | 43.5 | 75 | 44.0 |
#LP704374 | Download | 3.7 | 2500 | 2400 | 7.3 | 43.5 | 75 | 50.0 |
LP854374 | Download | 3.7 | 3000 | 2800 | 8.8 | 43.5 | 75 | 60.0 |
*LP7545135 | Download | 3.7 | 4500 | 4300 | 7.8 | 45.5 | 136 | 90.0 |
*LP8545135 | Download | 3.7 | 5600 | 5400 | 8.8 | 45.5 | 136 | 112.0 |
LP384765 | Download | 3.7 | 1150 | 1050 | 4.1 | 47.5 | 66 | 23.0 |
LP504765 | Download | 3.7 | 1600 | 1500 | 5.3 | 47.5 | 66 | 32.0 |
LP544765 | Download | 3.7 | 1600 | 1500 | 5.4 | 47.0 | 65 | 32.0 |
LP604765 | Download | 3.7 | 1900 | 1800 | 6.3 | 47.5 | 66 | 38.0 |
LP654765 | Download | 3.7 | 2200 | 2100 | 6.8 | 47.5 | 66 | 44.0 |
#LP704765 | Download | 3.7 | 2400 | 2300 | 7.3 | 47.5 | 66 | 48.0 |
#LP804765 | Download | 3.7 | 2600 | 2500 | 8.3 | 47.5 | 66 | 52.0 |
LP844765 | Download | 3.7 | 2900 | 2800 | 8.4 | 47.0 | 65 | 58.0 |
#LP884765 | Download | 3.7 | 3000 | 2800 | 9.1 | 47.5 | 66 | 60.0 |
LP455065 | Download | 3.7 | 1500 | 1400 | 4.8 | 50.5 | 66 | 30.0 |
LP505065 | Download | 3.7 | 1800 | 1700 | 5.3 | 50.5 | 66 | 36.0 |
LP805065 | Download | 3.7 | 2800 | 2700 | 8.3 | 50.5 | 66 | 56.0 |
LP325085 | Download | 3.7 | 1200 | 1100 | 3.5 | 50.5 | 86 | 24.0 |
#LP385085 | Download | 3.7 | 1600 | 1500 | 4.1 | 50.5 | 86 | 32.0 |
LP425085 | Download | 3.7 | 1850 | 1750 | 4.5 | 50.5 | 86 | 37.0 |
LP455085 | Download | 3.7 | 2200 | 2100 | 4.8 | 50.5 | 86 | 60.0 |
#LP505085 | Download | 3.7 | 2300 | 2200 | 5.3 | 50.5 | 86 | 46.0 |
LP535085 | Download | 3.7 | 2500 | 2400 | 5.6 | 50.5 | 86 | 50.0 |
#LP705085 | Download | 3.7 | 3500 | 3300 | 7.3 | 50.5 | 86 | 70.0 |
LP755085 | Download | 3.7 | 3300 | 3100 | 7.8 | 50.5 | 86 | 66.0 |
LP855085 | Download | 3.7 | 3900 | 3700 | 8.8 | 50.5 | 86 | 78.0 |
#LP9051109 | Download | 3.7 | 5500 | 5300 | 9.3 | 51.5 | 110 | 110.0 |
#LP9551119-6800mAh | Download | 3.7 | 6800 | 6500 | 9.8 | 51.5 | 120 | 136.0 |
#LP9551119-6500mAh | Download | 3.7 | 6500 | 6200 | 9.8 | 51.5 | 120 | 130.0 |
LP455255 | Download | 3.7 | 1250 | 1150 | 4.8 | 51.5 | 56 | 25.0 |
LP525255 | Download | 3.7 | 1500 | 1400 | 5.5 | 52.5 | 56 | 30.0 |
#LP555255 | Download | 3.7 | 1650 | 1550 | 5.8 | 52.5 | 56 | 33.0 |
LP605255 | Download | 3.7 | 1700 | 1600 | 6.3 | 52.5 | 56 | 34.0 |
LP475575 | Download | 3.7 | 2000 | 1900 | 5.0 | 55.0 | 75 | 40.0 |
LP525575 | Download | 3.7 | 2300 | 2200 | 5.2 | 55.0 | 75 | 46.0 |
LP605575 | Download | 3.7 | 2500 | 2400 | 6.3 | 55.5 | 76 | 50.0 |
#LP305590 | Download | 3.7 | 1450 | 1350 | 3.7 | 55.5 | 91 | 29.0 |
LP365590 | Download | 3.7 | 1700 | 1600 | 3.9 | 55.5 | 91 | 34.0 |
#LP385590 | Download | 3.7 | 1900 | 1800 | 4.1 | 55.5 | 91 | 38.0 |
LP405590 | Download | 3.7 | 2100 | 2000 | 4.3 | 55.5 | 91 | 42.0 |
LP455590 | Download | 3.7 | 2400 | 2300 | 4.8 | 55.5 | 91 | 48.0 |
#LP505590 | Download | 3.7 | 2800 | 2700 | 5.3 | 55.5 | 91 | 56.0 |
#LP545590 | Download | 3.7 | 2900 | 2700 | 5.7 | 55.5 | 91 | 58.0 |
#LP605590 | Download | 3.7 | 3400 | 3200 | 6.3 | 55.5 | 91 | 68.0 |
*LP675776 | Download | 3.7 | 3000 | 3100 | 7.0 | 57.5 | 77 | 66.0 |
*LP5058110 | Download | 3.7 | 3400 | 3200 | 5.3 | 58.5 | 111 | 68.0 |
LP326167 | Download | 3.7 | 3400 | 3200 | 5.3 | 61.5 | 68 | 68.0 |
LP456167 | Download | 3.7 | 2000 | 1900 | 4.8 | 61.5 | 68 | 40.0 |
LP556167 | Download | 3.7 | 2300 | 2200 | 5.8 | 61.5 | 68 | 46.0 |
LP956167 | Download | 3.7 | 4000 | 3800 | 9.8 | 61.5 | 68 | 80.0 |
*LP656194 | Download | 3.7 | 4000 | 3800 | 6.8 | 61.5 | 95 | 80.0 |
LP50100100 | Download | 3.7 | 4800 | 4600 | 5.3 | 100.5 | 101 | 96.0 |
LP55100100LC | Download | 3.7 | 5600 | 5300 | 5.8 | 100.5 | 101 | 112.0 |
#LP61100100 | Download | 3.7 | 6800 | 6400 | 6.4 | 100.5 | 101 | 136.0 |
#LP38103122 | Download | 3.7 | 5200 | 4900 | 4.1 | 103.5 | 123 | 104.0 |
#LP70103122 | Download | 3.7 | 8700 | 8200 | 7.3 | 103.5 | 123 | 174.0 |
* UL certified battery ( e.g. *LP451124)
# UL certified battery has ready mold. ( e.g: #LP403040)
without any symbol: battery has ready mold. (e.g. LP382030)
Ultralife 3,6V
Key Features
- High and stable operating voltage (Bobbin Type)
- High and flat operating voltage (Spiral Type)
- Higher power and higher energy for the whole battery life
- Superior drain capability (Bobbin Type)
- High drain capability (Spiral Type)
- Higher power applications
- Low self-discharge rate (less than 1% after 1 year of storage at +20°C)
- Battery life higher than 10 years, depending on the application
- Hermetic glass-to-metal sealing
- Avoid leakage, key for a higher than 10 year battery life
- Non-flammable electrolyte
- Safer operation in case of abuse
- PTC device (Spiral Type)
- Safe operation in the event of a short circuit (Spiral Type)
Bauform | Bezeichnung | Abmessungen (mm) max. | Spannung (V) | Kapazität (mAh) | Max. Entladestrom (mA) konstant | Max. Entladestrom (mA) Puls | Gewicht (g) | |
1/2AA | ER14250 | Download | 14.5 × 25.0 | 3.6 | 1200 | 50 | 100 | 10 |
AA | ER14505 | Download | 14.5 × 50.5 | 3.6 | 2400 | 100 | 200 | 19 |
A | ER18505 | Download | 18.5 × 51.0 | 3.6 | 4000 | 100 | 200 | 32 |
C | ER26500 | Download | 26.2 × 50.0 | 3.6 | 9000 | 200 | 400 | 55 |
D | ER34615 | Download | 34.2 × 61.5 | 3.6 | 19000 | 200 | 400 | 106 |
Bauform | Bezeichnung | Abmessungen (mm) max. | Spannung (V) | Kapazität (mAh) | Max. Entladestrom (mA) konstant | Max. Entladestrom (mA) Puls | Gewicht (g) | |
AA | ER14505M | Download | 14.5 × 50.5 | 3.6 | 2000 | 400 | 800 | 19 |
A | ER18505M | Download | 18.5 × 51.0 | 3.6 | 3000 | 600 | 1000 | 32 |
C | ER26500M | Download | 26.2 × 50.0 | 3.6 | 6500 | 1000 | 1500 | 55 |
D | ER34615M | Download | 34.2 × 61.5 | 3.6 | 14500 | 2000 | 3000 | 107 |
Ultralife 3,0V
Key Features
- High and stable operating voltage
- Higher power and higher energy for the whole battery life
- Superior drain capability
- Higher power applications
- Low self-discharge rate (less than 2% after 1 year of storage at +20°C)
- Battery life of 10 years, depending on the application
- Hermetic glass-to-metal sealing
- Avoid leakage, key for a higher than 10 year battery life
Bauform | Bezeichnung | Abmessungen (mm) max. | Spannung (V) | Kapazität (mAh) | Max. Entladestrom (mA) konstant | Max. Entladestrom (mA) Puls | Gewicht (g) | |
2/3A | CR123A | Download | 17.0 × 34.5 | 3.0 | 1500 | 1000 | 2000 | 16.0 |
2/3A | UB123A | Download | 17.0 × 34.5 | 3.0 | 1800 | 1500 | 2500 | 17.0 |
2/3A | XR123A | auf Anfrage | 17.0 × 34.5 | 3.0 | 2100 | 1500 | 2500 | 16.0 |
CR2 | CR2 | Download | 15.0 × 27.0 | 3.0 | 750 | 500 | 1000 | 11.0 |
Vitzrocell 3,6V
Key Features
- High and stable operating voltage
- Low self-discharge rate
- less than 1% after 1 year of storage at + 20°C (Bobbin type)
- less than 2% after 1 year of storage at + 20°C (Spiral Type)
- With safety vent (Spiral type)
- Non-flammable inorganic electrolyte
- Hermetic glass-to-metal sealing
- UL recognized (file number MH18384)
- RoHS Compliance
- Non-restricted for transport
- UL recognized (file number MH18384) (Bobbin type)
Bauform | Bezeichnung | Abmessungen (mm) max. | Spannung (V) | Kapazität (mAh) | Entladestrom Konstant (mA) | Max. Entladestrom (mA) konstant | Max. Entladestrom (mA) Puls | Gewicht (g) | |
1/2AA | SB-AA02 | auf Anfrage | 14.4 × 25.2 | 3.6 | 1200 | 1 | 20 | 50 | 9.0 |
1/2AA | SB-AA02(P) | auf Anfrage | 14.4 × 25.2 | 3.6 | 1200 | 1 | 20 | 80 | 9.0 |
AA | SB-AA11 | auf Anfrage | 14.4 × 50.6 | 3.6 | 2500 | 2 | 60 | 100 | 16.0 |
AA | SB-AA11(P) | auf Anfrage | 14.4 × 50.6 | 3.6 | 2500 | 2 | 60 | 150 | 16.0 |
A | SB-A01 | auf Anfrage | 16.9 × 50.8 | 3.6 | 3650 | 3 | 70 | 160 | 24.0 |
C | SB-C02 | auf Anfrage | 25.9 × 50.0 | 3.6 | 8500 | 4 | 80 | 180 | 51.0 |
D | SB-D02 | auf Anfrage | 33.8 × 59.9 | 3.6 | 19000 | 6 | 100 | 250 | 100.0 |
Bauform | Bezeichnung | Abmessungen (mm) max. | Spannung (V) | Kapazität (mAh) | Entladestrom Konstant (mA) | Max. Entladestrom (mA) konstant | Max. Entladestrom (mA) Puls | Gewicht (g) | |
1/2AA | SW-AA01 | auf Anfrage | 14.4 × 25.2 | 3.6 | 800 | 1 | 100 | 300 | 9.0 |
AA | SW-AA11 | auf Anfrage | 14.4 × 50.6 | 3.6 | 2000 | 3 | 250 | 800 | 17.0 |
A | SW-A01 | auf Anfrage | 16.9 × 50.8 | 3.6 | 3000 | 5 | 600 | 1500 | 30.0 |
C | SW-C01 | auf Anfrage | 25.9 × 50.0 | 3.6 | 6000 | 15 | 900 | 1800 | 52.0 |
D | SW-D02 | auf Anfrage | 33.8 × 59.9 | 3.6 | 14000 | 20 | 1800 | 3000 | 102.0 |
Vitzrocell 3,0V
Key Features
- High and stable operating voltage
- Low self-discharge rate (less than 2% after 1 year of storage at + 20°C)
- UL recognized (file number MH18384)
- RoHS Compliance
- Non-restricted for transport
Bauform | Bezeichnung | Abmessung (max, mm) | Spannung (V) | Kapazität (mAh) | Entladestrom Konstant (mA) | Max. Entladestrom Konstant (mA) | Max. Entladestrom Puls (mA) | Gewicht (g) | |
2/3A | CR123A | auf Anfrage | 17.1 × 34.5 | 3.0 | 1500 | 14 | 1000 | 3500 | 16.0 |
CR2 | CR2 | auf Anfrage | 15.6 × 27.3 | 3.0 | 850 | 10 | 800 | 2500 | 11.5 |
CR17450 | auf Anfrage | 16.8 × 45.0 | 3.0 | 2400 | 1000 | 3000 | 23.0 |